Our Infinite Banking Program:


I found a better vehicle than R. Nelson Nash.  It removes large corprate over lords, and removes counter party risks.


Taking all the concepts of Infinite Banking, and utilizing them to extract profits, can create new cash flows to help build your position.  By putting the client in control, they can use their capital or collect yeild.  Removing all the erroneous counter parties, saves the client money and premiums that were designed to seperate them from their capital.  By letting the client have more of their capital and more discresion they are in a better place to accomplish the things in life they desire, while they are here to enjoy it.


Instead of taking your capital to give it to someone else after you trancend, Why not keep it in your control, and when you do trancend, have mechanisms in place to provide the utility you have built to those you love, with your instructions.  No weather or not they listen we can not control, but you can pass down your wishes to them, weather they should continue the program and continue to grow the wealth you provided, or if you want them to go spend it all till it is gone.  With proper managment this is a utility that can be passed generation to generation & is completely divisible and capable to provide a one to many, or one to one, and can be portioned to any desired amount.  5% to one, 2% to another, 10% Here, or however desired.  Now those other policies could be used in conjunction with this too, and add to the program, but that would incur other costs and have all those thing we were looking to avoid.  However, it can be a good utility as well for those that desire it, and can also be used to help your loved ones get an improvment to this plan as you have built it with an new inflow of capital.


As capital is added to your progrom, you will be increasing your YIELD

If you can only spend a SMALL PORTION of your intrest, and re-utilize your principal for more YEILD 

You would produce a remainder that can also be deployed out for longer, to create more YEILD & provide an extra future payment, to either spend a portion of the yield, the whole thing, or can be redeployed to keep collecting yeild if not currently needed.

As you add new principal you increase your YEILD, and create more future payments to yourself.

If you align 30 payments, you could have intrest paid to you every day, that can be rolled over, NOW THIS IS INNEFFICENT, and does not maximise your YEILD but provides DAILY LIQUIDITY, and DAILY UPKEEP.

You could align 52 payments once a Week, every week of a year, and as it ends, you spen what you need, roll over for a year, and maybe one futuer out too, then once all 52 payments are established, you would always have a payment every week, and would give you weekly liquiditly, and requires weekly upkeep.

You are in control, and can have as many or little payments that you desire, and you each one requires you to commit to yourself that you prefer the YEILD over utilizing that capital at this instance.



THERE ARE FEES AND PENALTIES IF YOU BREAK YOUR PROMISES, the contract is with yourself, no one else.