As an engineer the need for solutions is constant. But what do you do when you craft a solution that provides results? These results happen to be redonkulous and unfathomathable to most. However certian knowledge and understanding have provided a recipe to extract profits. Issue is do so requires deploying capital. By deploying capital for strategic aquisitions produces profits. I am looking for risk takers who understand risk vs reward. By assuming the risk of aquiring current unloved assets, the cyclical nature of the market, & one mans trash is another mans treasure philosphiy, is basiclly the underpining of our secrect sauce. Flipping these assets provideds meaningful work for those who might not have other options and allowes us to fufuill the dreams of others by having what they want when they are looking to aquire them. For most of time, there has been a time value to money. Latly as rates get more and more negitive they are removing the time value of your capital and trying to get the masses used to not saving or worse yet consuming more and never teaching them to aquire assets that pay them. I want to pay you in assets that will pay you for the rest of time, if you will let me. Others have already spent years teaching the principals, the idea is as a team we can achieve more, and we can all specialize in the things we excell at. If you are an expert in comodities, assets, liabilites and capital markets, you might not want me providing you new profits. I have found a stream of clients who are experts in their fields, but want a professional to provide results and let them focus on their life not wasting time on things they do not understand or adds value to their daily life. Your time is important we are not here to waste it, your capital is yours and also not here to waste it. I want to pay you for time & utilization of your capital. By doing this I can go to work for you and start producing results. I have a long term action plan, that does take 18-24, even 48-60 months to complete depending on your time horizons and ultimate goals. Some want more results today, than anything in the future, others are willing to forego immediate gains for compounding results. But there is a way if you stick to the plan you would always have more capital available to you tomarrow than you had today. YES, it is possible, but does take time & dedication. WHO AM I??? My name is Luke Shields. As a software developer & engineer, I also took way too many business classes while in school to off set my nerdy side. But since 1996 I have been an econics nerd, as businesses operate in the economy, and even as individuals we also have to navigate the economy. The Wealth of Nations happens to be a book I have studied for numerous years as well, the concepts have not changed, but the regulations and the direction of capital flows have changed. As a business scientist the idea is to utilize the knowledge and repete other quality experiments that produce intended results. The concepts of business should also be applied to the concepts of building your financial wealth. As with the time value of money & the utility that can supply returns can be leveraged to provide a passive and residual way to increase your wealth. But please note, do your OWN RESEARCH, as if you attemt these experiments on your own, is possibilities you do not get the results you expected. The reason I want to provide services is to help others and keep others from lossing by providing for them. PLEASE NOTE EVEN EXPERTS CAN GET WRECKED!!! But as a team we work together and our skills help each other. I am opperating with reserves, and knowledge. All markets are cyclical. This is the princiapal we work from and deploy againt. With time and patience we preserve and extract profits. I want to share & deliver these results as a way to help build a team to help obtain larger investors for LARGER MORE PROFITABLE VENTURES were we will need sizable amounts of capital to deploy before we can even begin collecting revanues let alone profits. Besides the services & utlities business exist to create profits. Then those profits get divivded up, I am looking for a few risk takers willing to let me produce and deliver results. If you are willing to provide a video testimonial too, we would love the content to help inform others on your feelings of our services. Again, while I am asking you to part with your capital, it is so I can deliver more in return. If you can not afford to lose the capital, remeber what your bank is offering you, for the value of your capital and the time they control it. I am not making out landish promises other than if I produce outlandish results, you will be the first to know about it, but our methods are to eliminate risk and capture the time value of the capital and provide you the results. It may seem hard to understand now as you are not on the reciveing end, but if you let me provide results over time the evidence and results will provide the tangible proof. Are you willing to put me to work?