Capital Allocation:
You deposit principal & are okay with me providing results
I will pay 10% APY paid :: monthly / quarterly / Yearly < you choose
I will pay this in a wallet & have that interest generate more cash flow for you. THIS WALLET would be to collect and extract profits.
I will help you create an account to utilize and SPEND AWAY the PROFITS as you desire
I will set up and act on a strategy so that after a few years of consistent actions you will be able to take profit and spend it for the rest of your life.
I will act to generate cash flow and provide the dividends as planned. There is a termination point where the strategy is complete & the capital will be unallocated & provided back to you.
THIS IS GENERATIONAL WEALTH that could be passed down
I AM ACTIVELY in the market & understand how to provide results. The issue is needing people willing to let me deliver & provide them. I have doubled my other clients' money over 9 times in the last year.
I am not promising doubling, but if I did you would have more tangible results in your possession. I can not guarantee or promise unrealistic results, but I can promise to produce results. And I hope you would let me do so, and do all the hard work to assist in accumulating profits & new returns
Books I have written:
I am not here to seperate you from your hard earned capital, but words of wisdom that have done me well, if you set it free and it comes back to you, you know it was yours. And you have to take action to get results, or you reap what you sow, but some people do not want the dirt under their fingernails, or others do not know the best methods to maximise results, others do not have time, others value experts, but no matter the reason you want our assistance our mission will be to make it the most profitable decsion you ever make!
The plan is to put your capital to work and structure the results in such a way to create an endless supply of capital, if you let me