We are a full service provider of solutions.

it is your capital, we want you to let us produce more for you.

Using our recipe we have found a solution to prodive for our clients and looking for those willing to let us produce.

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Hope to hear from you.

      Service List:

  • Custom Solutions
  • Capital Allocation
  • Cash Flow Returns
  • Life Assurance Policy
  • Expert with love and time


Capital Allocation:

You deposit principal & are okay with me providing results 

        I will pay 10% APY      paid ::  monthly / quarterly / Yearly  < you choose

I will pay this in a wallet & have that interest generate more cash flow for you.   THIS WALLET would be to collect and extract profits.

I will help you create an account to utilize and SPEND AWAY the PROFITS as you desire

I will set up and act on a strategy so that after a few years of consistent actions you will be able to take profit and spend it for the rest of your life.


I will act to generate cash flow and provide the dividends as planned.  There is a termination point where the strategy is complete & the capital will be unallocated & provided back to you.  


THIS IS GENERATIONAL WEALTH that could be passed down 


I AM ACTIVELY in the market & understand how to provide results.  The issue is needing people willing to let me deliver & provide them.    I have doubled my other clients' money over 9 times in the last year.


I am not promising doubling, but if I did you would have more tangible results in your possession.  I can not guarantee or promise unrealistic results, but I can promise to produce results.  And I hope you would let me do so, and do all the hard work to assist in accumulating profits & new returns


Books I have written:


I am not here to seperate you from your hard earned capital, but words of wisdom that have done me well, if you set it free and it comes back to you, you know it was yours.   And you have to take action to get results, or you reap what you sow, but some people do not want the dirt under their fingernails, or others do not know the best methods to maximise results, others do not have time, others value experts, but no matter the reason you want our assistance our mission will be to make it the most profitable decsion you ever make!


The plan is to put your capital to work and structure the results in such a way to create an endless supply of capital, while producing returns for you, if you let me.  Your principal will get back to you soon as it is done working, and the returns will be paid.  The Life Assurance Plan is to struture your returns to produce endless cash flow and help you accumulate your wealth.  Some just want to spend the results away, others want it to grow.  We are not here to tell you what you want, we are here to help you have what you want with tailored solutions for you, and experts working with your best intrests as our main priority.

Let me know if you are ready to begin...

~Thanks for your intrest




PLEASE KNOW we are here for those that want our services.  There are many competitors out there for your capital.  A goal is to under promise and over deliver.  I can not make outlandish offers, but I can produce outlandish results.  I want those I serve to know, the fact you value my time so much and want me producing and doing all this for you, makes me excited and happy to use my skills, time and tools to provide results.  I also want to thank those who have taken the time to create & send over a video testimonial to help with letting others know about our services.  It is our clients that seek out and pay for our services is the reason we exist, you could be part of our stakeholders collecting results, if you want the results.  


If you are not utilizing it?  Why not put it to work?

You can put it to work yourself, PLEASE FEEL FREE!!  But, many utilize professionals to assist them, and provide results.  How much is your local institution paying you to utilize your capital while you are not in possession of it?  The world is full of oppertunity, the issue is do you want a peice of it?  Would you like our services to assit you in collecting and delivering the results?  We can build the community we want to exist!  I would like to put more capital in your hands, making it hevier than it was, so maybe you might want to dance again.   That is a decision you have to make, and can be done as often as you like.  If you have more capital, you have more capacity.  Many are trying to take your capital, or get you to consume, I want to offer results, in exchange for your capital.


You should do your own research, but you can also employ experts to teach and inform you, or even have them produce for you giving you your precious time back for the finer points of your life.  We all spend way too much time working, and I understand capital is produced from the blood, sweat and tears of those willing to commit and sacrifice to obtain it.  The market is full of risk, and horror stories, if you are easily scared, you can be chased away from the seeds you sowed.  I find joy in building things and creating things that did not exist.  I am searching for a few believers that will let me take your seeds, plant them, take care and nurture them, till they can be harvested for more than existed before.  And if we schedual and plan out your seed storage, it is possible to engineer abundance.


Expectations, I know many love to count their chickens before they hatch.  That is why my offer has a stated APY.  However, would you be okay if I gave you more?  If that would upset you please let us know, we are here for you.  But at the end ot the day our goal is to maximise your results, and plan to deliver more, but if you never act, we will never be able to show you.  If you go to a resturant, do you expect them to provide the meal free of charge, and demand the secrect recipe?  I hope not, those are not the people that will enjoy our production.  Time is one of our ingerdiants, knowledge, dedication, skill and passion are a couple of the others.  We share with our time and produce results which then are delivered and repeted until I hand your principal back.  Once you have your results you will no longer be recieving the benifits of our efforts, and the offer will always be there if you want to dance again.  Our expectations is to be a proper custodian, and not only get you your principal back, but have it producing for the duration.


If you set it free and it comes back to you, you know it was yours from the start, I want to build these opperations based on this philoshipy.  YES, we want to seperate you from your capital, but for a reason!  The purpose is to produce and deliver results.  If you have more important uses for your capital, PLEASE seek those first!!  If you want an expert on your side creating results you will be able to brag about, PLEASE, let me know when you are ready to start.  I have the tools, time and skills, but currently I am lacking access to capital, and willing to pay others like yourself for that.  I know how to to produce and want to put these skills to use providing value for those willing to take the actions, request my efforts, and let me deliver results.


Do you understand ZERO Intrest Rate Policies,  or the fact many are even Negitive currently?   Your local institution will not even give you yield over inflation!  I am an economics nerd.  Not only do I understand the risks, I also know the market, how it ticks, that it is manipulated, and designed againts most of the participants.  My service is cutting edge navigation of these murky waters with sound money principals.  I have studied R. Nelson Nash since I was a young boy, and this whole opperation is based on his principals, but utilizing my recipe and efforts.  


Infinate Banking,  once you want to comit to infinate banking, and use that tool, it has an inate infinate demand for capital.  If the institution wants 1-3% and we are earning 17%, then after the institution is paid, there is still money left over for you.  If you put this delta out for time earning a quality APY, you then have a new payment to your future self,  you take the intrest and store it out for longer away, and then re-deploy principal to earn more intrest.  With continual payments and repeting this process not only will you have a continuous supply of returns, you will also have numerous payments into the future to be utilized at your discression.  Our goal is pay you and let you be on the recieving of the results we produce.  This then gives you a YIELD, quality return, that one no other institution is offering, and two we will be putting you in control of your results, if you want to spend them, you could or if you want them producing you will know and understand how to do those things.  This is not an overnight process.  This is an ONGOING PROCESS to expand wealth.  Either you want to expand or you do not.  


We live in a debt based society, currently.  Debt is a tool.  niether good nor bad.  I want to focus on cash flow and show you how cash flow banking can improve your holdings.  With a quality yeild you can grow your position and expand your purchasing power.  I am seeking others like yourself to provide me debt, that I pay them for, creating cash flow, that can be strategiclly positioned to benifit your desires.  I have found once the principal was returned I get chased down for more cash flow.  You could just take your capital, divide it up and have it be stagnet but available for your future, or you could let me put it to work and pay you, so we can engineer your results to produce for your needs.  NOT EVERY INVESTOR HAS THE SAME NEEDS, a common one is a QUALITY YIELD.  Using my services I will be setting you up to not need me, unless you want me producing, understand I am here for you.  We value our clients, and want to empower them, provide more for them, and be a resource to go out and do all the hard work and provide results to you as you did the hardest work in taking action to want our services, and deploy your hard earned capital for the results.  


If you read all of this you will know exactly what we are doing.  I want to build an institution to comepete with the large dogs who got way to lazy to provide ANY VALUE to their clients....  Thus you are more open to alternitive options to improve your yield and reduce risks.  I am not looking to add unnessisary third party risks, seriously together we can achieve more, if your goal is to have more, and you are willing to have an expert produce for you, let me show you.  I have a feeling that the marketing a few thouand excited clients would do, could let me craft an entity to compete with those lazy dogs and replace them with a better alternative.


I reserve the right to only share with those who value our efforts.  I am not looking to compete in teaching things others have already done and freely availbly for those that seek it.  I have spent decades learning and operating, my value is in producing.  The culmination of the knowledge I have accumulated has enabled me to extract profits, I want to share my resources and productive output to provide value for others.  The continual demand, lets us know we have peeked your intrest ;)    But you have to act, and tell us you want to begin!